Database Software-RSVP Reporting Software

RSVP Reporting Software:

Publisher's description of RSVP Reporting Software for Visualization and Performance:

From IntelligenceBusiness:

  • RSVP Reporting Software for Visualization and Performance is a fully integrated, dynamic data visualization and business intelligence reporting tool for SQL relational and OLAP data. Data visualization capabilities include a broad range of relational and OLAP presentation elements, including a unique 3-D data representation allowing display of up to 4 items of data per business component.
  • Publishing and managing reports is easy as RSVP is designed from the ground up as an integrated report viewer, server and administration tool. A wizard-driven Report Administrator allows the admin user to modify report layouts, security (who accesses what reports) and publication (method of retrieval).
  • One-step publication ensures that all users view the same data at the same time and are always on the same page. One of three built-in report navigation mechanisms is assigned to report viewing users based on personal preference. As a single software product RSVP is easy to deploy, maintain and use.

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