Database Software-PL/SQL Developer

PL/SQL Developer:

Publisher's description of PL/SQL Developer: 
From Allround Automations: 

  • PL/SQL Developer is an integrated development environment for developing, testing, debugging, and optimizing Oracle PL/SQL stored-program units such as packages, triggers, and so on. The program features context-sensitive help and database-object descriptions. Also included is a full-featured integrated debugger, a multi-session/multi-threaded environment, a code assistant, a template library, a macro library, and a command window.
  • Previous versions added integration with Oracle HTML manuals; Synonyms, Users, Roles, and Object Privileges in the Object Browser; and user-defined shortcut keys for all functions. Other previous improvements include the Code Navigator with Code Contents, Hyperlink Navigation and Browse buttons, the Table and Sequence definition editors, conditional break points, version-control integration, enhanced template functionality, enhanced SQLPlus compatibility for the Command window, and more.

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