NMath Core:
Publisher's description of NMath Core :
From CenterSpace Software:
NMath Core contains vector, matrix, and complex number classes, random number generators, numerical integration methods, cubic spline interpolation and other high-performance functions for object-oriented numerics on the .NET platform. NMath Core is designed to run with machine-specific, highly optimized versions of the BLAS and LAPACK public domain linear algebra subroutine libraries.
- NMath Core contains foundational classes for object-oriented numerics on the .NET platform. Product features include:
- Single- and double-precision complex number classes.
- Full-featured vector and matrix classes for four datatypes: single- and double-precision
- floating point numbers, and single- and double-precision complex numbers.
- Flexible indexing using slices and ranges.
- LU factorization for a matrix, as well as functions for solving linear systems, computing determinants, inverses, and condition numbers.
- Least Squares solutions.
- Random number generation from various probability distributions, including the beta, binomial, exponential, gamma, geometric, log-normal, normal, Pareto, Poisson, triangular, uniform, and Weibull distributions.
- Classes for encapsulating functions of one variable, with support for numerical integration (Romberg and Gauss-Kronrod methods), differentiation (Ridders' method), and algebraic.
- manipulation of functions.
- Polynomial encapsulation, interpolation, and exact differentiation and integration.
- Cubic spline interpolation.
- Extension of standard mathematical functions, such as Cos(), Sqrt(), and Exp(), to work with vectors, matrices, and complex number classes.
- Basic statistical functions, such as Mean(), Median(), and Variance(), with support for NaN (Not-A-Number) values.
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